Yoga at Home

Well…it looks like we are in this quarantine for the long haul now. There’s so much anxiety and fear of the unknown. The one thing that has given me a sense of normalcy is connecting to my studios and my clients via Zoom classes. Yes, it was a little uncomfortable at first, but it becomes easier and I really look forward to teaching and taking classes via Zoom.

Zoom is easy to navigate once you get the hang of it. You can choose not to use video where your profile pic is only shown, or use video where the instructor can see you (teachers love to see their students). It’s fun to interact before and after the class, and teachers typically only mute you during the class. I have clients taking classes via Zoom using cell phones, laptops, iPads, and desktops.

You really do not need any special props to do yoga at home. A mat is preferred, but you could make do with carpet or a non slip floor, if needed. Yoga blocks are fairly easy to find online, or you can use a book, someone said a roll of toilet paper 🤣…a little pandemic humor…if you are taking restorative yoga classes, you can use pillows or cushions as bolsters…and my 500 hour teacher recently suggested using a robe belt as a strap, which worked perfectly. It’s ok to make do with what you have. I was struggling moving my classes to home, so I did make some bargain purchases to upgrade my home studio space. I will link these on my Favorite Yoga Gear Page.

So, if you are on the fence about Yoga at Home…take the plunge. If Zoom is too much for you to navigate, there are countless free classes on YouTube. But I encourage you to still support your local yoga studios virtually because they need your support now more than ever. My fellow yoga teacher, Michelle Culver, just wrote an article for Choose901 featuring 11 Memphis Yoga Studios offering online classes.

xoxo -Melissa


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